Varroa sensitive hygiene bees
Our research apiary consists of nine bee families inhabiting three widened Warsaw hives and six Greater Polish hives. The apiary is divided into three segments, of which each is operated by one ultrasonic emitter powered by a solar panel cooperating with a 12 V battery with a capacity of 7 Ah.
Each hive has a hygienic bottom that facilitates ongoing control of varroosis – for example, the bottom is extended in the widened Warsaw hive (photo below).
From the beginning of 2020, we noted the fall of one female varroosis in the entire apiary on July 3. We attribute this result to the continuous use of the ultrasonic emitter since spring 2019 to the present.
The results of our research were presented at the 57th Scientific Beekeeping Conference in Cieszyn (Poland), which took place from March 10 to March 12, 2020. The September issue of the polish monthly “Beekeeping” (“Pszczelarstwo” 2020) presents the ultrasonic method of combating varroosis.